We know we need to take better care of ourselves, but how? These 5 impactful self care tips for busy moms will help you do just that with limited time.
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As much as we wish there were more hours in a day and that we had unlimited energy, we just don’t. We have to work with these 24 hours that are given to us each morning when we wake up and squeeze in as much as we can. We live in a society that almost awards the busiest person, so our lives have turned into this cycle of endless to-do lists that we work hard to conquer every time we have any “down time.” Does this sound familiar?
It sure does to me.
So then when do we fit in self care? Time for ourselves, alone, is crucial to feeling any sense of calm in our daily lives. It’s important and as much as the words “self care” have become incredibly overused in our society, it’s happening for a reason. Moms everywhere are crumbling while try to do it all. So I want to share a few self care tips for busy moms who want to live a healthier lifestyle but are struggling to do so.
5 Impactful Self Care Tips For Busy Moms
This is your reminder that there isn’t actually an award handed out at the end of your life if you were the busiest mom. In fact, there’s a pretty good chance that if you don’t slow down that you will end up having a break down. Today, in partnership with my friends at Ameo Life, I want to share a few self care tips for busy moms that have made a difference in my life – especially since I’ve started working full time.
1.Invest in yourself.
We spend so much time and effort investing in work, our families, the cleanliness of our homes, etc, but not in ourselves. I want you to look in the mirror today and tell yourself that you are worthy of investing in YOU.
But I get it: investing in anything can be expensive.
I know that right now the economy is just awful. Gas prices make you never want to leave the house and the cost of food is through the roof. We are all paying extra for the basics and it shouldn’t be that way. This is why one of my favorite companies, Ameo Life, is offering a special deal so that you and your family can still invest in your health, without breaking the bank.
Right now, they are offering a special promotion giving everyone a free bottle of our Alkaline Structured Silver (Great for digestive health, skin health and many aspects of health) with the purchase of our Probiotic supplement. This saves you $47.95 and gives them both products for $39.95, which is helpful for families in need.
Both of these products are must-haves in our homes to make sure that our gut health is always in check and a huge part of my personal self care routine.
2. Figure out a sleep routine and stick with it.
We all hear that we should prioritize sleep and as true as that statement is, it is never going to happen unless you have an established routine that helps you relax and actually fall asleep at a reasonable time. Turn your electronics off, establish an evening skincare routine that our love, burn a candle, buy a weighted blanket – figure out what works best for you and then enjoy it.
3. Learn your high energy points in the day, and manage those pockets of time effectively.
If you are able to pinpoint the times during the day when you feel highly energized, then you will be able to better manage the times of day when you might start to feel burnt out. And if thats not self care, then I don’t know what is.
For me, I am high energy first thing in the morning so I capitalize on waking up as early as I can and being productive. I also know that I start to fizzle out as the day goes on, so I leave those times of day for simpler tasks or resting.
4. Exercise every single day. Just do it.
I don’t care if it is for 30 minutes or a simple walk in the evening. You can even split up and do 15 minutes in the morning and then again in the evening. Moving your body and making your health a priority will make you feel amazing and you will crave it if you skip a day.
5. Take an actual lunch break.
I’m not really sure when the trend started where we are expected to work through our lunch break or have a working lunch every single day, but it is very much the status quo. Even if you are a stay at home mom, I’m sure that you find yourself doing chores and eating quickly on the fly. It is for some reason programmed within us to think that this is ok.
It is NOT.
Sit down mama. Go outside and bask in the sun for 20 minutes while you eat lunch. Do it alone or with your little ones – just do it!
If you are looking for more self care tips for busy moms, you’ll love these posts:
- Why Self Care is a Lifetime Discipline
- Essential Oils For Self Care to Add To Your Daily Routine
- 17 Self Care Activities For Busy Moms
- Sometimes, Self Care Means Letting Go
- What I’ve Learned About Self Care That Has Changed My Life
- 4 Wonderful Things Silver Soap Can Do For Your Body
I hope that my self care tips for busy moms helps you find not only some calm in your life, but ways to start making yourself a priority. Remember: you are just as important as everyone else in your household. Stop putting yourself on the back-burner and invest in YOU.
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