
Hi Everyone!

I’m Allison

The person behind Project Motherhood® and I’m so happy you’re here! I divide my time between chasing around my busy family, and running Project Motherhood and Influencer Secrets Academy full time. I love to lift weights, shop, read, and drink lots and lots of coffee. At the end of 2024, after years as a Director of Influencer Marketing, I launched Influencer Secrets Academy, where I help nano and micro-influencers learn how to make a full-time income working in this space.  Most importantly though, I am a wife and mother with a fashion addiction and a yearning to live the healthiest life possible – which is what you’ll read about while you’re here.

I met my husband, the love of my life, shortly before he left for basic training for the Army, and in a whirlwind romance, we found out we were expecting our little man. (You can read more about our story here.) Branden is now 16 and thinking about what life will be like after high school graduation. In August of 2016, we added a baby girl, Blake, to our crew and completed our family. (You can read her birth story here!)

Motherhood and marriage changed me, making me the stronger, more confident person I am today. I believe that any woman can work through any challenges she has with confidence and body issues to rock her mama style and always “walk the runway of motherhood.”

Project Motherhood® was born in January of 2010 when I knew that I needed to merge the passion that I have for living a fashionable, healthy life and being a mother to create relatable content that motivates and inspires the community of mothers around me. It has become almost like having another child! Since then, we have grown to form a small team and work with amazing brands that we truly stand behind.

Everything published on Project Motherhood® is deeply rooted in my love for the written word, paired with beautiful images to tell the story of our life. Each piece is written with intent, whether I’m showing you how to style a trend I’m loving, sharing a personal story, or working with a brand.

I love creatively working with companies to tell their story, through my eyes, to my loyal and engaged audience. Having my Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Marketing has been a tremendous asset, giving me the ability to effectively deliver a brand’s messages, while still producing gorgeous content. Most notably, I have been blessed to have the opportunity to work on a national advertisement for No Nonsense, speak in a major discussion panel in front of a huge community of moms to talk about ways to end mom shaming with Huffpost Parents and have even done Google Hangouts with JCPenney and Khol’s, to talk fashion with Project Runway’s Nina Garcia, People Magazine’s Kate Dimmock, and inspirational fashion designer Peter Som.

Happily, I’m excited to share that the rapid and steady growth of Project Motherhood® allows us to reach a monthly audience of over 100k and we have worked will well-known household brands like Neutrogena, Cliff Kid, Carter’s, Enfagrow® Toddler Next Step™, Munchkin and so many more!

Motherhood is truly a journey

So let’s do it together