This is a big week of sorts in The Cooper Household for a few reasons. First, today marks EXACTLY 1 month until my due date. (Whoa!) Second, we are sending B to baseball camp for the first time and I’m feeling pretty sentimental. It’s not the first time that we have sent him to all day summer camp, and it is just one week, but for some reason it’s stressing me out a little bit. I think it might have to do with him being introduced to a sport that he hasn’t tried before and a mixture of pregnancy hormones – but either way I have been running around like a nut getting everything for the week (gear, healthy lunch essentials and tracking down a new ice pack which has been harder to find than one would think right now) and getting ready for today’s send off. Tear.
Second, because I keep saying that this is sort of the “unofficial last week” of me finally starting to take things slow. Whatever that means, right? I’ve had a real problem trying to slow down and it has gotten so bad that Chris had to demand me to take a seat yesterday when I went on a little cleaning rampage. I swear that if anyone could pop in my mind right now, they would be exhausted. I have everything ready to be washed in Dreft this week and then I can pack our hospital bags and let the “Labor Gods” do their thing. Which is exactly why I’m getting through the end of this pregnancy with my the help of my favorite basics from Belly Armor.
This has pretty much been my uniform these days, and I am SO thankful that I have these maternity wardrobe essentials because there is nothing that I love more than throwing on some basics and my favorite jewelry and heading out the door! If you are unfamiliar with Belly Armor, they are a super innovative company that makes blankets, tees, tanks, belly bands and so much more that protect your stomach and that growing baby from harmful radiation that comes from common day things – like those cell phones that are attached to our hands!
This shirt is called their Belly Tee and it’s your quintessential favorite black basic tee – just made for growing bellies! It’s so incredibly comfortable and I seriously wear it so frequently that I think my husband might be sick of seeing me in it. But, in my defense – all I want is something that I feel great in these days, and this is it. And for your little science lesson of the day: radiashield is used to block 99.9% of these rays in this tee.
This is their Ruched Maternity Tee and is still great for everyday use and especially great for the end months because it has a lot of belly room. It’s a wee bit easier to dress up because the fabric has a little sheen to it and it’s super breathable and comfy for pregnant mamas.
I honestly never thought of buying clothing with radiation protection until I was introduced to Belly Armor during this pregnancy and I felt kinda dumb that I had never thought of it before. It makes so much sense and I’m so glad that I have these pieces in my arsenal to make sure I grow a healthy baby.
Fashionably Yours,
I never even knew that this brand excited. Fantastic product, especially during the scorching summer! Hope you are feeling well mama! You look incredible!