My son got a tablet whenever he turned 4, which is old news for many NYC families who basically hand them to their infants as they are coming out of the womb.
We also take said tablet with us to places like on the train and (gasp!) out to dinner whenever we don’t want him to be loud in a restaurant. You know what? I’m totally alright with that! But, I know there are many “anti-technology moms” out there who would disagree with me.
I’m NOT an Anti-Technology Mom, and Here’s Why:
As long as my son isn’t spending all day behind his xbox, tablet, or just watching TV, I don’t really think there is anything wrong with a little screen time–in moderation. It’s not rotting his brain, and I know that I enjoy those moments at the end of the day whenever I’m able to spend an hour or so catching up on my favorite shows–so does he.
I feel like as moms, we hear complaints from both ends of the spectrum, and then some! I remember sitting at my office one day years ago whenever I was still working in the corporate world, and the CEO of the company (and father of twins the same age as my son) came in and asked me how old Branden was whenever he first got his iPad. At that time he was 3, and I politely replied that he doesn’t have one yet and won’t have one until he’s old enough to take care of it. After about a year and a half when he turned four and a half, my husband and I okayed a tablet as a gift from his very generous grandmother–it was then his time to be introduced to this technology.
On the other hand, there are the anti-technology moms who feel that any bit of technology is too much–that we are depriving our children of playing outside and doing things that “children ‘should’ be doing.”
So my battle against the anti-technology moms is this–it’s all about moderation and balance. Things have changed in this world, and life as a child today is very different than our childhood, just as we heard how different our was from our own parents’ childhoods, and the cycle will continue with our kids’ kids. As parents, it is ultimately our decision when and if the time is right to introduce our children to technology–but judging how another family chooses to operate should never be an option.
Personally, the only times that I have witnessed any dirty looks from other mothers when my son plays with his tablet in a public place is if it’s too loud, at which point he is then asked by my husband or I to turn it down. But, my interest was peaked on this subject whenever I recently ready this article “Banning Technology From The Table Isn’t Only Unrealistic, It’s Unnecessary,” from Babble. I immediately wanted to write a response supporting the author, because I agree whole heartedly.
I agree with having technology along to keep your child entertained at a more adult restaurant–in fact, I’m the first one to remind Branden to make sure the damn thing is charged before we leave the house! We shouldn’t have to worry about dirty looks, as it is a part of our lives and not going anywhere–only advancing. So ladies, I say that we need to advance with it!
What do you think? How do you feel about technology and screen time? Share with us!
Fashionably Yours,
I have totally tech-y kids and completely agree with you. I think that they need to learn it young too because tech is all around us and always evolving. By the time they’re adults they’re going to need some excellent tech skills!
I agree with you , it’s all about moderation and balance. Plus, it would be pretty hypocritical of me and my husband, who are often using our phones or computer, to tell our daughter (when she’s older, since she’s only 10 1/2 months now) that she can’t use technology. I grew up watching plenty of tv, but I still did a lot of activities and had playdates and creative outlets. I hope for my daughter to have the same experience as she grows older. I will say, I’m not sure how I feel about technology when we’re out to eat, but if there is one thing I have learned about motherhood is you often end up doing things you say you won’t 😉 Great post, stopping by from the Pin It Party!
Thanks for the comment Bev–I really appreciate your feedback! Agree with you 100%! I probably said before that I would never let technology come to the dinner table whenever we are out to eat, but you do find yourself doing things you never though you would…mostly just to get a little quiet!
Great post! I agree with you – technology is a great tool for our kids to use, in moderation. Just like anything in life, too much of one thing could be a bad thing, but when used properly it can be an awesome learning tool.
When my son was 2 1/2, he still wasn’t speaking and when I enrolled him in early intervention, his therapist introduced the iPad to him (we didn’t have one yet). She started with some learning videos from YouTube that introduced the sounds of letters and words, and it really got him on track to develop his speech.
Now his speech has really flourished (because of school too, of course), and he knows how to navigate the iPad and computer better than myself sometimes.
I have to be honest and say it’s a lifesaver for me too, because since I am with him all the time (I’m a SAHM), I can give him the iPad when I need to get things done around the house. Also because of his sensory issues, sometimes it is difficult for him to be in a crowded restaurant, so it helps him kind of escape the moment and go into a game. I will start him off with crayons and paper, then his favorite cars, and if those fail I know I have the iPad to help keep him calm.