I can’t stress enough how much I love a feel good story, especially whenever it involves the marriage between fashion and helping people – especially when the benefits are endless. Our daily news is filled with so much tragedy, that it’s refreshing to hear something wonderful and be introduced to a company that’s finding a solution to a problem. To put it simply, the world would be a much more beautiful place if we had more people like those who have founded Good Threads. This company is championing change for the women in the Dominican Republic – mothers of children of the Joan Rose Foundation, one belt at a time.
Can you imagine ever having to watch your child cry out in hunger? This is something that no parent should ever have to face, and that core belief led David and Timmy Palmer to founding Good Threads. The company sells stunning, hand made, men’s needle point belts and dog collars that are so much more than a fashion statement. Each piece is made beautifully by these women and provides food for their families and steady work so they are able to pay their rent. In addition, the company has started a micro loan program for their workers at an in company bank where they can start a bank account and even further their financial gain. If you didn’t get the impact already, here is a major wowing fact: the women who are employed by Good Threads makes 250% more than they could at any other jobs available to them.
This heartwarming video tells a bit more about the Good Threads story & mission:
Being self-employed myself and accountable for every penny that’s brought in, I want to stress the impacts of these micro loans that Good Threads provides for these women; learning the information myself gave me chills and filled my heart with pure happiness. These women have gone from not knowing how they were going to feed their children’s bellies to feeling secure and having a peace of mind that they otherwise may never have experienced in their lifetime. If they need rent money, medical expenses paid, household appliances, beds, or even want to start a small business of their own, Good Threads takes care of that for them. These loans are available to them always, and with no interest.
// American Flag Belts //
And did I mention that each women gets to work from the comfort of her own home? Yes! Good Threads is establishing WAHM’s in Latin America and making it possible for working mothers to be present for their children, while still making a sizable living that truly contributes to household needs.
Lastly, each belt is branded with a rose to signify the Good Threads difference and serve as a reminder to its owner that, along with a lifetime guarantee, each belt sold served to feed an impoverished child for an entire month. What a treasure to look down upon something that you wear everyday and get a reminder that significant! I encourage you all to hop over to GoodThreadsLLC.com and shop their gorgeous belts – The Wadsom American flag belt is especially perfect for the upcoming holiday!
Fashionably Yours,
**This is a sponsored story. As always, opinions are 100% my own.**
What a wonderful program that helps women take care of their home both by being there in person and with income. Way to go Good Threads!
I love seeing a company give back like this and it’s a great reminder that there is still so much good in the world! It makes me a huge fan of Good Threads!
I love it when a company gives back. What a wonderful mission Good Threads has 🙂
Wow, that’s a fabulous mission and company. I’d love to help support them!
What an amazing way to support families around the world. I am so impressed with all of the good out there in the world.
Those American Flag Belts are really neat! I want one of those! That sounds like a wonderful company.
What a great company and mission. I love supporting great causes.
What a great way to help out people in need. These belts are so cool.
This is a fabulous project! These hand made belts look beautiful too! Thanks for bringing good threads to my attention!
What a neat and beneficial organization. I love that it gives women an opportunity to provide for their families.
What an awesome program.! Way to go Good Threads!