We’re all reaching for balance in our lives, especially as busy moms. Here’s what you should remember along the way.

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Here’s What To Remember When You’re Seeking Balance In Life

Balance. It’s one of those things that we’re always trying seek, but struggling to find, amirght? I get asked questions about this a lot, even years before blogging entered my life because I always “looked like I had it all together.” Well mamas, I’m here to tell you that balance is so much more than just looking like you’re on top of things. And worrying about looking like you’re on top of things will just cause mom burnout. 

And I’m going to add that I probably look less together since having Blake and whenever it was just Branden, looking pulled together was simply a matter of getting up fifteen minutes before he did, having coffee and taking a shower. Baby Branden was a much better sleeper than Blake, so I had a little bit more me time.

But balance is not really a fake it until you make it kinda thing.

Balance isn’t being able to curl your hair and wear something other than yoga pants to a play date. 

Balance isn’t having your kids dressed in matching outfits. 

Balance is a feeling inside when you know that all areas of your life are equally being attended to. 

And finding that “sweet spot” is anything but easy.

But those aren’t my main takeaways

No. no. no. I could rattle off platitudes about seeking balance in life until I turn blue in the face and I’m sure that you could, too. And then we would all go to bed tonight grumpy again feeling like we are drowning and will never truly have things under control. But I don’t want that for any of us, so I’m going to share with you today the key thing I’ve learned about balance and how I came to that realization. I hope this helps you thrive as a busy mom. And for those tougher days, know you’re not alone and that it’s totally okay to embrace your inner hot mess mom. 

I am an incredibly regimented person. Which is probably a huge reason why it looks like I’ve got everything figure out (spoiler: I don’t!). Routine is generally the only way I feel like I’m able to be an okay mom and still get everything done each day. But all of that pretty much went out the window whenever we moved in with my parents last summer. (I know I keep teasing you all with our life updates, but we are moving again and I will share soon!). It’s been a complete whirlwind 9 months with many, many trips to the doctor, toddler sleep regression, getting caught up on life and working on getting my drivers license. I got to a point where I was kinda mentally checking out by 6pm everyday and was totally overwhelmed.

Sometimes, all it takes is a shift in perspective to align everything in your life again.

I realized one day that balance isn’t going to look the same or be the same everyday. Nope, balance means something different every single day. Yes. Every. Single. Day. 

As soon as you’re able to let that wash over you, shift your mindset, you will be able to breathe a little bit again.

Looking for more mom life tips?

I know that it’s not easy, this whole motherhood thing that is, but it’s possible to have balance in your life everyday as long as you’re able to do a little juggling. And moms are pretty awesome at that.



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