This post is sponsored by Premera Blue Cross. Thanks for supporting Project Motherhood!
I’ve been working from home for almost 10 years, so if you’re wondering “how to start a business from home” especially in 2021, I’ve got some tips for you!
When the entire world took a shift last year, things changed for so many people. Businesses were shut down. Moms were disproportionately impacted as many had to step back from their careers to help their children with virtual school. When this happened, I felt a calling to step up and share what steps I have taken in the past to help my fellow mamas turn their passions into a business from home.
Women came to me online, in my local community, and even whenever we attended small family gatherings to ask me how to start a business from home. I knew it was time to package my expertise and start business coaching for the first time in my life. So, I created a couple of courses and took on a few private clients, launching a business outside of this blog for the first time ever. Today, I wanted to share a few very important things with you as you navigate working from home and launching a new business this year.
How to Start a Business from Home in 2021
I hope that these 5 tips answer all of your “how to start a business from home” questions!
1. Think about your employees.Â
Take a trip with me down memory lane: think about the best job you have ever had. Hold onto that thought. I bet that it had something to do with being a part of a company that actually took you and your needs into consideration. Am I right?
We are living amidst a global pandemic, so now more than ever you have to make sure that you are setting your employees up with a health plan that they can rely on. Because of this, I want to introduce you all today to Premera Blue Cross. They recently surveyed local workers about their employers’ response to the pandemic, revealing important insights that can help your business thrive in 2021. They compiled this information in their latest white paper.
The white paper includes 7 key findings including that 60.2% of workers are highly satisfied working from home but also that 1 in 5 said that they would consider changing jobs for better healthcare benefits because they are so important right now. Boom.
Click here to check out the latest white paper from Premera Blue Cross that will teach you all about Post-Pandemic Business Resilience so you can learn more about how Premera business solutions can make a difference for you and your employees.
2. Establish business hours. And stick to them.
Now more than ever, it’s important to have actual business hours where you are working on your business each day. I totally get that you are navigating school drop offs or virtual school, but if you want your business to be healthy, you have to be consistent. I don’t care if this is just an hour a day to begin, but know when that is happening and excuse yourself to get things done. I also encourage all of my clients to hold a family meeting so that everyone is on the same page with this.
3. Know your priority tasks each day.Â
Whenever you are a busy mom and starting a business at the same time, I understand that things can happen and that every day is different. I also understand that whenever you are first starting your business that you can get over-motivated and create lengthy to-do lists that are a bit on the advantageous side. I’m all about rocking it, but because you’re also juggling motherhood, make sure that you start each day knowing which tasks are the priority ones, and which ones can wiggle over to tomorrow’s to-do list. I’m just being practical here.
4. Write everything down. I mean everything.Â
Girl. Write it all down. Don’t always rely on technology and electronic calendars when planning things either. I’m a huge fan of having an old school planner and notepad by my side at all times for quick reference and to write down things as soon as they pop in my head. Whenever you are trying to balance so much each day, having your tasks, to-dos, routine, appointments – everything – tangibly written down is a life-saver. And an added tip: keep everything in one planner. You don’t want to have to cross-reference because important things will get overlooked.
5. Protect yourself.Â
So, I have obviously written this list in no particular order but this should probably be the first thing that you do when you find yourself wondering how to start a business from home. Whenever I say protect yourself, I mean things like choosing a name that no one else has and trademarking it, registering your business, funding your business, writing a business plan, and doing all of your research. I have an entire module in my main course about how to go about all of these steps, they are crucial to having a successful business.
Overall, please keep in mind how hard your employees work for you. Happy employees mean a happy, thriving, successful business. Giving them a health plan, especially now in the middle of this global pandemic, that works just as hard for them as they work for you will help alleviate added stress. Click here to learn how Premera Blue Cross business solutions can make a difference for you, your employees, and your bottom line.
Thank you for reading this post sponsored by Premera Blue Cross!