The cold hard fact that every mom knows deep down, but never wants to actually admit: kids are effing expensive! Whenever you become a new mom, there is so much to do to prepare for your new little one. Then, they get older and the expenses start all over again as the the things that they want are more and more expensive by the year. I have found that with both Branden and planning for our new little arrival that it’s not so much the big things that get you because you are planning for them. It’s the little, unexpected items that build up week by week that leave you wondering what the heck happened to your bank account. Enter Amazon Mom for their seriously life changing discounts, registry benefits, and deals for the entire family.
I’m trying my very best to prepare for this new little one little by little, the exact same way that I did with Branden so that I am not completely overwhelmed at the end of the pregnancy or if the baby comes early. Either way, that requires me to purchase items here and there along the way that I KNOW I will need once the baby gets here. Amazon Mom allows you to do that with ease and a huge bonus is getting an extra 15% off whenever you complete your baby registry through them online.
5 Reasons to Join Amazon Mom
While there are numerous reasons to love Amazon Mom, here are my top 5.
You get 20% off diapers. Always.
This is not a joke, I repeat, not a joke. Diapers are the 1 thing that we go through most with a new baby and it’s amazing to me that Amazon has taken that into consideration. No matter which type you and your baby prefer, you will always get that extra 20% off. Lastly, you can also save more by opting for a diaper subscription and having them automatically re-delivered to you at intervals that you set.
Exclusive coupons.
Who doesn’t love coupons? Being a member of Amazon Mom gives you instant access to limited time coupons for daily family essentials such as things you need in your pantry to laundry detergent.
FREE Kid Stuff.
We all know how much kids love to peruse their favorite apps and TV shows – plus it gives us a little bit of mom time. Being a member of Amazon Mom gives your kids access to Amazon Free Time Unlimited, which offers unlimited access to everything kid friendly they could want to stream.
Streaming, music, and photo storage.
Speaking of streaming…Amazon Mom also gives you adult access to the things that you want most. You will have all of your favorite movies, television shows, and music in one place. Also, a little bonus that many forget about is the photo storage that is available to you for all those pictures you constantly snap of your kiddos!
Free 2-day shipping.
And last but not least, free 2-day shipping on everything. We’re busy, we forget things, we overlook things, so having access to all of items we need for our families within a few clicks is pretty awesome in my opinion.
Amazon Mom only costs $99 a year, and I promise you will get that back (plus more!), with all the money you will save by using it.
Fashionably Yours,
*This post contains affiliate links.
This definitely might be worth looking into! I will have to show Amazon Mom to my husband! (although we are Prime members so I am not sure how he’d feel about another $99 subscription? We’ll see!)
I was in Amazon Mom for a year before we got Prime. I love Amazon, I buy so many things there.
I’ve heard of Prime, but never Amazon mom! I will have to look into it! We’re on baby #2 also, due in August. So, it’d be nice to save some money where we can! Thanks for sharing this.