

Completing a sugar detox can be overwhelming to think about. Here’s my sugar detox plan using Sweet Defeat that is a natural way to curb sugar cravings and take control of your health.

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Looking For a Natural Sugar Detox Plan? Follow My 7 Day Sweet Defeat Challenge

If you guys have been following me on Instagram this week, I worked really hard on doing a complete sugar detox, which was completely aided by using my new favorite product, Sweet Defeat. I started the sugar free challenge last weekend and have been detoxing all week long in preparation for my new start of the keto diet. I checked in every day on my Instagram stories to share updates with you all and I really learned a lot about my relationship with sugar.  I kicked things off with my trusty sidekick in Times Square, where my family and I spent a day out and about and it’s been something that I’ve kept handy ever since.

sugar detox plan

What is Sweet Defeat?

Sweet Defeat is a minty little lozenge that comes individually packed (great to have in your purse when on the go!) that’s made of a mixture of mint, zinc and gymnema extract, so it’s completely natural, and it helps curb sugar cravings almost immediately.  If you have it after a meal when hunting for a sweet – it’ll get you to your next meal! You simply open the package, pop the lozenge onto your tounge and let is dissolve – then you’re good to go! The thing about sugar cravings is that if we feed into any of them, even in the slightest little bit, our brain receptors will make us continue that craving for another thirty minutes or so – making sugar cravings are very much like that of a drug. Sugar is hidden in so many things that we often overlook like ketchup and salad dressing, and using those products will bring on these types of cravings. Eating sweets makes you want more sweets, it’s inevitable, so this product has become essential in my journey to removing sugar from my life.


My weeklong challenge with Sweet Defeat

The first few days of my sugar detox were actually fantastic because I was so incredibly motivated to power through. Being a self-proclaimed sugar addict, detoxing my body of sugar is crucial for my overall healthy well being. Whenever I did keto over the summer, I started a week before Chris left for a month-long training and that’s what I’m doing again this time.  Having this handy helped me stay in control because I knew if a craving came along that I would actually be able to push through it and it’s helped me ease into completely removing both sugar and carbs for keto from my diet. During these days, I had 2 Sweet Defeats each day during challenging moments and they helped instantly.

Wednesday was the most challenging day for me by far because it was our busiest day last week. Branden had a half day and we needed to run errands and get him signed up for his spring break camp immediately after he got off the bus. I made sure that Blake had lunch and I stupidly forgot to eat anything myself. I bet you can guess what happened next. In my haste, I picked up a yogurt with toppings at the grocery store that was easy to grab while I was out and even though I thought I chose something healthy, I read that it had a whopping 21 grams of sugar when I got home. Sugar detox fail that day!

I started strong on Thursday, but after naptime was over and I eyed up Blake eating her fruit snacks, and my cravings almost got the best of me. I started playing what I call “the bartering game” with myself where I kept saying this like “if I just have one it’s okay because I won’t have any later. And I worked out today, so that counts for something, right?” Well, the answer is no. I popped my Sweet Defeat and made it through that rough moment and just kept my eyes on the prize: more energy, clearer skin, less bloating and a better night’s sleep whenever I get through this, at least that’s what my bodies reaction to no sugar has been and it’s heaven. I want to get back to that place.

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I made it through Friday without any major cravings but still popped a Sweet Defeat that afternoon because I know that’s when my craving typically happen. I woke up feeling wonderful Saturday morning, knowing that I had a pretty great head start to starting my keto diet BUT my journey isn’t stopping there…

What I learned doing my sugar detox

I learned doing my sugar detox that it’s incredibly difficult to rid your body of this nasty addiction! And I also realize that it will never go away, it’s honestly something I’ll have to work through every single day and make sure that I keep lots of Sweet Defeat handy so that I can stay on track. I think that if you feel like you are addicted to sugar like me and you’re trying to remove it from your life, that your finding will be similar, especially because it’s in almost everything that’s processed and all the goodies put in from of us on special holidays – the struggle is real!

sweet defeat

What to know before starting your sugar detox plan

You must know that starting your sugar detox plan is going to be challenging from beginning to end. You will have moments where the cravings are so tough you just don’t think that you can make it through and times when you might be out of the house and you forgot to bring your favorite little lozenge with you – it happens. You have to be committed to your sugar detox and motivated to push through. I also suggest doing it with a group of friends or family so that you can hold yourself accountable.

What you need for a sugar detox diet

Obviously, make sure you have your box of Sweet Defeat handy for that week and beyond. Just like any other type of detox, a sugar detox will take time, so understand that. I made sure that I kept lots of flavored seltzer water handy that doesn’t have any type of sweeteners in it because that helped me greatly during my moments of weakness. Have a support system and if possible try to throw away things with sugar so that the temptation isn’t as strong. Keep yourself busy, drink lots of water and stick with your regular fitness routine – I know it sounds like simple advice, but it helps.

sweet defeat sugar detox

The Giveaway!

I’ve partnered with the Sweet Defeat team to give 5 lucky winners each 2 boxes of Sweet Defeat to try the challenge out for yourself – I expect updates from you all! The giveaway starts today and our winners will be chosen on Tuesday March 27th – good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Looking for more healthy living articles? I’ve got you covered!

I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s journey using this amazing product. It truly is a game changer when you’re trying to bring healthy to a whole new level! Happy sugar detox lovelies!

Fashionably Yours,


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  1. I am not looking to give up sugar, but my sister just told me the other day that she wanted to give it a try. I am going to tell her about this!!

  2. I crave sugar all the time it seems. I am looking to cut back on my intake. I’ll have to see about getting this for myself.

    1. I don’t either, but have the same struggles – every single day. You will love this for when those cravings creep up on you!

  3. This is really an interesting concept. I think many people are cutting out sugar for various reasons these days so this will certainly be a good way to detox.

    1. Oh this can be me, too, at times – believe me! It’s hard and that’s what I love about this product – they KNOW how difficult this process of cutting sugar is!

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