The weather is just incredible in the city this week and I can barely believe that it was in the 30’s Monday morning whenever I was taking B to school! But since spring is officially making it’s presence, its time to get ourselves ready to shed some layers and pull out our spring clothes. One of the things that always makes me feel super confident and ready to start spring off with a bang is a good tan, and I’m loving Palm Beach Tan and everything that they offer!
Being pregnant this spring/summer, I won’t be jumping into a tanning bed, but Palm Beach Tan offers truly incredible spray tans that I just can’t resist! They are the nations largest indoor tanning company with over 400 locations nationwide (so don’t forget to scroll down and enter our amazing giveaway to try them out for yourself!) and offers customers the latest spray tanning systems, state-of-the-art sunbeds and the industry’s most extensive selection of tanning and skincare products.
Spray tans and tanning in general isn’t what it was 5-10 years ago, it really is a very natural looking experience – no orange skin, no streaks, nada! So, here I am (pictured below) on the way to Palm Beach Tan with their new Platinum Collection in tow. It comes with both a bronzer and an intensifier than leaves your skin feeling great and smelling great (since we all know some tanning products carry a nasty smell).
So whether you are heading somewhere tropical and glorious or want to fake that you are, Palm Beach Tan is the place to be right now. If you are new to tanning, here are their key tips for getting the most out of your experience:
Palm Beach Tan Tips For The Perfect Sunless Tan
o The first steps to getting the perfect sunless tan happen before you even get to the tanning salon.
o Shower, shave and exfoliate your skin.
o Avoid using moisturizers and lotions that are not specially formulated for sunless tanning before your sunless session.
o Avoid wearing perfumes or make-up that provides a barrier for absorption.
o Wear loose-fitting clothing to your session.
· Your sunless tan will last anywhere from 3-7 days, and you can protect your tan by making sure you:
o Wait at least 4 hours before bathing, swimming or coming in contact with water.
o Avoid engaging in activities that cause you to sweat heavily until your tan has fully developed (at least 4 hours).
o Moisturize daily with a post-sunless products
Fashionably Yours,
**This is a sponsored post. As always, opinions are my own.**
I plan to be a shade more adventurous this spring! My best friend and I are determined to head somewhere new, and to try new foods too!
I plan to be a shade more outdoorsy and exploring trails this spring!
I try to take some time to be in the shade if we are outside a lot!
I have brown skin so I easily shade lol. I plan to shade more by going outdoors more often with my boys! Hiking, biking, swimming, and camping are our plans to go do!
I plan on going to the Waterpark more with my kids this summer!
After being cooped up all winter, I could definitely use a little color (the healthy way)! Love Nordstrom’s, too. Great giveaway!
I plan on being a shade more safe in the sun this summer…so i could really use this healthy way to glow!
a shade more healthy by using the grill more!
I plan on being a shade more tan this spring.. this winter was brutal on my skin.
I’m Irish pale, who only turned red. I’d LOVE a spray tan to help me feel more ready for summer! I plan on being a shade more fun this summer- and explore more outdoors!
I got too much sun years earlier, so if I don’t have sunless tanning I am a ghost! I have experimented with a few products, but don’t have a fav yet.
We’re going on a tropical vacation! 😉
This seems so awesome. With all of the harmful effects of tanning and tanning beds this is awesome! I plan to shade more by being outside this Summer living it to the fullest. I plan on slathering this on and having a beautiful tan the healthy way!
This spring, I plan to be a shade more bold and fearless!
A shade more social!
I plan to be a shade more because we are headed to Costa Rica!
I plan to be a shade more spontaneous!
I plan to be a shade more when we move to FL in July 🙂
I’d love to be a shade more by taking better care of myself physically. I need to care about my hair and clothes as much as I care about my daughter’s! I know when I look my best I feel better about myself and I have more confidence.
I plan to be a shade more by taking care of my skin in the sun. After a recent scare with skin cancer I am ultra aware of protecting my skin!
I dont tan anymore, but i would love some color on my legs, I going to be a shade more bare leg this spring
I will be a shade more confident this spring!
I plan to be a shade more vibrant this spring!
I plan to shade myself by wearing cute hats all summer long that protect me from the sun. I encourage others to do so as well
I plan to be a shade more active this summer! I plan on training for a marathon!
I plan to be a shade more active this spring and get moving.
I plan on being a shade more happy!!
I would like to be a shade more active this spring.
I plan to be a shade more vibrant and happy
I plan on being a shade more outgoing this Spring. New anxiety meds are starting to work!
I plan to shade myself from the Texas sun. I have too many age spots!!
a shade more outgoing
I plan to be a shade more motivated this spring! I am a big procrastinator, I need to work on being more motivated to get things done!
A shade more active and fit!
I’d like to be a shade more adventurous. I want to get out and try things that interest me but that I might usually shy away from.
I plan on staying in the sun much more this summer!!
I will be a shade more willing to get outside and enjoy nature.
I will be a shade more by getting a little sun but not much.
A shade more bold and fearless!
I’d love to be a shade more stressfree this spring! We just moved, got a new job, etc we need a little break lol
I plan to be a shade less pale than styrofoam-white by enjoying the outdoors and staying active! I want to make the most of the warm weather we’re starting to experience and be on a healthier track overall! 🙂
I plan on being a shade more active this summer!
I plan to be a shade more outdoorsy this spring/summer.
I plan to be a shade more grateful.
A shade happier 😉 thx gonna just be more optimistic!
I plan to be a shade more active this summer
I plan to be a shade more adventurous this Spring and Summer – lots of trips
I plan to be a shade more rested this spring. When my kids finally learn to sleep lol
I want to be a shade happier and have a more positive attitude
I plan on doing more-hikes, going to museums, and shows.
I wanna be a shade more active and will do so by taking up running,
I plan to be a shade more confident by wearing a 2 piece on the beach this Spring/Summer.
I plan to be a shade less uptight.
I play to be a shade more happy!
I plan to be a shade more confident..To new beginnings ..
I am going to be a shade more positive… spring marks new beginnings… and so symbolizes my life… new beginnings.. get out more! smile more!
I plan to be a shade more healthy by running every morning
I plan to stay in the moment making the most of the day instead of thinking about the past.
I am going to work in the shade.
I am being a shade more interesting this spring by exercising outside.
I plan on spending more time at the beach that’s 5 minutes from my house <3
I am very fair skinned so I will be shading my arms, legs, chest, and back more!!!
I like to be tan, but I dont like putting my skin in danger
I’ve been using tanning lotion for many years now. I would love to be able to try this brand that I’m not familiar with!
I plan to vacation in Myrtle Beach.
I plan to be a shade more fun this spring and be more adventurous.
I plan to shade more when going to the park with my kids.
I plan to be a shade more active and engaged in life this spring!
I plan to be a shade more fitter this spring!
I plan to be a shade more active this spring. I joined aqua zumba and aqua fitness
I plan on being a shade more tan this spring by getting out and riding my bike and exploring new places!
I plan to be a shade more healthy this spring by eating well and getting moving after winter hibernation!
I plan to be a shade more happy this spring and year! I’ve kept myself from being happy for so long, I’m ready to change that 🙂
I plan on being more outgoing and outdoors as well. Thanks so very much!
i plan on being a shade more outgoing this summer
I plan on being a shade more active! Nothing like a tan to make me more motivated!
I want to be a shade more active this spring by going for bike rides.
I plan on being a shade more peaceful and trusting
I’m going to moisturize daily and slow aging by stopping smoking completely. I feel great when a have a healthy tan! I feel 10lbs. lighter.
I plan on being a shade more happy!!
I plan on being a shade more positive!
I always wear a hat when i go outside.
I often wear sunglasses and hat when I go outside
I plan to be a shade more healthy this summer! I am going to really get on the eating healthy and working out band wagon!
I plan to be a shade more active this Spring because my baby walks now and we can go explore the outdoors and go on walks.
I plan to be a shade more active this Spring playing with my grandaughter and gardening
I plan to be a shade more healthy this spring and keep up with walking daily and eating right 🙂
I will be more shade by finishing the Appalachian Trail.
I plan to be a shade more fun this Spring! I want to cherish every little moment with my family.
I love tan for summer
I plan to be a shade more active this spring. Love to go on more walks when the weather gets warmer.
I plan to be all shades of healthy and glowing through a more active lifestyle equipped with proper sun care
I plan to be a shade more bold and happy.
hopefully a shade more energetic by making sleep a priority !
I plan to be a shade more motivated this spring.
I plan to be a shade more organized. I want to get my planting done and flower pots full.
More calm. More smart. We’ll see.
Id like to be a shade more vibrant
I plan to be a shade more fit this spring – starting a new workout routine!
I plan on being a shade more this year by doing more gardening and I’m sure Palm Beach tan will give the the perfect start and keep my shade looking amazing!
I plan on being a shade more by using a self tanning product.
i plan to be a shade more healthy this spring. i need to eat better and be more active.
I plan to be a shade more outgoing this spring! I’m going to reach out to others and make some friends.
I want to be a shade more outgoing.
I’m going to be a shade more productive
I am super pale and burn in the sun, so I use self tanner to get a shade or two darker.
I plan to be more shades of active and health
I plan to be a shade more happy this spring by helping others.
A shade more relaxed! With two kids it’s tough 😉
i plan to be a shade more tan and healthy by taking walks daily.
I plan on being a shade more active and a shade more neater
I plan to be a shade more by hosting more get togethers with friends.
I will be kayaking a lot this summer!
I plan to be a shade more healthy by swimming 3 times a week.
Thanks for the contest.
I plan on going to the beach and becoming several shades darker!