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Mamas: give your head a little nod if you think that being a parent is tough. Yup, I’m imagining everyone giving a pretty vigorous shake of your head right now. In our current society we have a lot to think about on a day to day basis, which more often than not goes way beyond just the daily feeding, clothing and bathing of our children. We live in a world where social media plays a huge role, and we deal with judgement on the playground, at the pediatrician’s office and by people we think are our friends every single day. It’s stressful, is completely unnecessary and I want it to end. So, I’m working to turn those labels around.
Let’s back up here for a second. When was the last time someone posted a comment on social media or said something in person that really rubbed you the wrong way? And afterwards, you keep going back through it in your mind, thinking about all the things that you should have said in response – to stick up for yourself. Probably recently. The thing is this: none of that really should be happening. Every mom needs her mom tribe as a support system as we work our way through every motherhood challenge and instead we’re often tearing each other down, when building up each other’s confidence is what we should be doing. It’s not cool, no matter which end you’re on.
Beech-Nut found in a major survey that 70% of moms feel like the issue of mom shaming has gotten worse and 80% has felt judged or shamed from someone they you. Yup, it’s time to turn these nasty labels around.
It’s a different situation for everyone. For me, being a blogger and full time freelance writer in the parenting space means that I do put myself out into the world in a very big way. Most people here in the Project Motherhood community are awesome and supportive, but for some of the outlets I write for that have huge following, things quickly get out of control. I could make myself sick reading through nasty comments on articles that I have written and there have even been times when people step way out of bounds and hunt me down on social media to send me private messages with even more grueling messages. It’s cruel and enough to make your head spin.
In this new age of technology, mom shaming is happening at epic volumes and it’s time to say enough is enough with labeling each other and start giving each other daily confidence boosts instead. Who’s with me? I hope all of you are.
I promise though, I’m not just sitting on a pedestal and preaching right now. I was part of a discussion panel with Huffost Parents, Dr. Michelle Borba, parenting and psychology expert, and Beech-nut. The entire panel discussion was broadcasted live on the HuffPost Parents Facebook Page , but you can check it out here:
Check out this amazing video to learn a bit more:
I really hope that you tune in on May 4th to help me put mom shaming…well…to shame and figure out new ways to encourage one another so that our mom tribes grow and grow. Share on social media using the hashtag #ShowMomsLove to point out a mom in your life who is totally rocking this whole motherhood thing.
Fashionably Yours,
Motherhood can be so complex. Crazy love couples with exhaustion and other layers of new stressors. Add judgement to that and it’s a super unfair mix. So glad you are lending your voice and experiences to this important topic.
I consider myself lucky that I haven’t been mom-shamed and I make sure not to make anyone else feel that way. People need to think before they make that comment on social media – we are real people behind the blogs and social media posts.
It’s so important to lift up one another. We truly are stronger together-thanks for raising awareness!