Out of all the toddler activities we do everyday, these educational busy boxes have doubled as fantastic fine motor skill toys. So excited to share my tutorial and how toddler learning toys and education discovery are a priority at KinderCare.

This post is sponsored by KinderCare. All opinions are my own.

toddler activities

Toddler Activities: Educational Busy Boxes For The Win

If you missed my big announcement last week, you can check it out here, but I shared about my fun partnership with KinderCare and the new Tribeca Learning Center that is launching downtown. I’ve been bursting at the seams to share for a while, but I’m even more excited because I finally got to check out the gorgeous facility and see all the wonderful things they have to offer (spoiler alert: ah-mazing!). Last weekend, I had the opportunity to showcase one of our beloved toddler activities, toddler busy boxes, during the Explore and Learn Labs event at the new Tribeca Learning Center. I gave the activity an educational twist, where we included educational toys and exercises, and they truly were a winner and a concept so many parents visiting the facility took home to share with their toddler.

Personally, I first want to share how truly touched I felt just being at the KinderCare Tribeca Learning Center. I couldn’t help but think that if we had access to this nurturing facility when Branden was a little one, he probably wouldn’t have nearly as many school struggles as he does now and would probably have a bigger love for learning. As all of the teachers gathered to prepare with the biggest hearts imaginable, I can tell this is just truly a special place for children to explore, discover, and learn in a great environment.

toddler learning toys

Why educational busy boxes are our favorite toddler learning toys

During the first few years of babies lives is when they absorb the most, so honing in on all those skills. The first few years of babies’ lives is when they absorb the most, so honing in on all those skills they need to learn is key. I love to focus on educational play because it’s a great moment for Blake to have fun, but it’s also instrumental to her development. When she plays, she’s able to strengthen language, communication and social skills as well as gain a sense of discovery – which is a huge part of the mission statement at KinderCare’s Tribeca Learning Center.

Educational busy boxes are one of the greatest toddler activities because they really encompass all of that as toddler discover new things and build confidence in their problem- solving skills and so much more. It’s truly a fantastic opportunity to take toddler learning toys to a completely new level. Adding the educational element to these busy boxes allows parents to focus on different learning tools as our toddlers get older and opens doors for communication as we can set time aside to ask questions and find out what they like and disliked the most (because we all know that toddlers = opinions). The learning opportunities are endless from this simple tool that’s so easy to construct.

toddler learning toys busy boxes

How to build educational busy boxes

You only need a few things to create your busy boxes and then you can add to them as your child gets bored, gets older or you want to focus on a different concept.

  • 1 box
  • tissue paper
  • simple toys that focus on learning such as: coloring books, small instruments, stacking blocks, flash cards, puzzles, etc – endless opportunities here!

Once you have gathered all of your items, simply wrap the little toys up and organize them inside the box for your toddler to get busy and discover! I always try to choose a box and paper that are fun colors or even have letter and numbers printed on them, because you never quite know what will pull in their attention the most.

fine motor skills toys

Looking for more toddler help? I’ve got you covered!

fine motor skills toys busy boxes

I hope that you and your family enjoy creating these educational busy boxes as much as we have! And if you are in NYC, the KinderCare Tribeca Learning Center would love to meet with you and show you around their beautiful, new facility. If not, there are so many locations nationwide for you to explore, too! Check out the Tribeca Learning Center here, plus find any centers near you.

Fashionably Yours,


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  1. This is definitely a great way to keep a toddler engaged. My nephew is a toddler and it is so hard to keep him focused on anything. This would be fun for him.

    1. Oh totally! I even re-wrap items and my little one never realizes – she just enjoys hearing the crinkling of the paper and unboxing something fun!

  2. I regret not letting my kids go here to get them prepped for school. We toured it but then I never enrolled my daughter.

    1. I felt the SAME whenever I walked through the doors – I SO wish we had one close to us whenever my son was little because they really nurture their love for learning.

  3. That is such a good idea. My nephew, who is about 15 months, comes over to see his favorite Auntie a lot, so I want to make some of these for when he comes to my house 🙂

  4. This is such a great idea! I know, that when I gave my kids ownership over their own craft box closet, that kept up with the boxes and are still enjoying it and respecting that each box has different activities. They love it.

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